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Press enter or spacebar to select a desired language.


Chat with Us

Use our online chat to get answers to your questions from anywhere. Use the chatbox here or find it on the bottom-right of any Library webpage.

The chat is maintained by Library staff during our hours of operation. 

Library Card and Account

Your UNF ID card acts as your Library card. You must bring the physical card to borrow things from the Library.

To log into any UNF Library service, simply use your UNF email and password. 

The first time you use our Discovery service to search for eBooks, journal articles, and more, you will be prompted to create an account. This will allow you to personalize your experience and save and organize your research as you go. When creating the account, use your UNF email.

Borrowing Equipment

The Library loans out a variety of items to facilitate learning and increase the accessibility of computer stations and work spaces. 

You'll need your UNF ID card to borrow items from the Library.

Some items can be placed on hold to ensure they're available when you need them. To place a hold, search for the item you want in the Library's Discovery Service. Once you find the item, click it, then click "Place Hold." You'll be required to sign in - use your UNF email and password.

Fines and Responsibilities

Our Library is fine-free. That means there are no late fees charged if equipment is returned past the due date. However, we ask that users are courteous to their peers and return items on time. A replacement cost will be charged for items not returned.

Users are responsible for any items borrowed for as long as it is checked-out under their name. A replacement cost will be charged for any damaged or lost items.

Learn more about your responsibilities as a borrower in our Circulation Procedure.


The Library has 24 computer workstations available for student use. A UNF login is required to use them - use your UNF email and password. 

Users are asked to practice appropriate computer and internet etiquette. Computers are for pedagogical use only. Learn more about our guidelines for computer and internet use in our Electronic Library Access and Use Policy.


The Library computers are equipped with the following software:

  • JASP Statistical
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  • MySQL Workbench
  • Notepad++
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python 3
  • RStudio
  • Tableau Desktop (public version)
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Zoom

IT Services

You can contact UNF's IT department at

Book a Librarian

Book an appointment with a Librarian for one-on-one research assistance.

Other UNF Services

External Services

  • Niagara Falls Public Library: Find quiet study space, a makerspace, books, and more!
  • Innovation Hub: Students have access to the many ammenities and services offered at the Innovation Hub, including study space, a makerspace, a content creation and podcast studio, and more!

How to Print

  1. Sign into a Library computer with your UNF email and password
  2. Go to and sign in using your UNF email and password. Here, you can access your email, Teams, Word, and more
  3. Open your document. Click “File”, then “Print”, and choose your settings. Select the printer “UNFC-FollowMe-Print” and click “Print”
  4. Go to the printer and sign in:
    • By tapping your UNF student ID card
    • With your UNF email and password
    • Or with your UNF student ID number
  5. Hit “Print Release ” , select your job, and hit “Print”

Documents can only be printed from the Library Computers. If you encounter difficulty printing, please ask a Staff member for assistance before resending the document.

Printing Credits

Coming soon!

Reference Services

Reference services are available at the Library's Service Desk during our hours of operation. For in-depth research questions, please book an appointment.

Writing Centre

The Writing Centre supports students in developing their academic writing, presentation, and communication skills by providing personalized feedback, workshops, and resources to meet the diverse writing need of our academic community.

For more information, a full list of services, and contacts, see the Writing Centre's page

End of Term Hours

The Library will be open from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. from March 24-April 11 for evaluation period. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.